All of the Following Are Ways in Which Fatty Acids Can Differ From One Another Except
УРОК 8 Итоговое занятие. Презентация проектов.
LESSON viii RevisionLesson. Students 'projects.
Themes for the projects:
1. Nutrition
2. Diet
iii. Food value. Foodstuff
4. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates
five. Water and its role in the human life
Рекомендации по выполнению проекта.
Виды проектов:
ane) Практико-ориентированный проект нацелен на социальные интересы самих участников проекта.
two) Исследовательский проект включает обоснование актуальности избранной темы, обозначение задач исследования, обязательное выдвижение гипотезы с последующей её проверкой, обсуждение полученных результатов.
iii) Информационный проект направлен на сбор информации о каком-то объекте с целью её анализа и представления для широкой аудитории.
4) Творческий проект предполагает максимально свободный и нетрадиционный подход к оформлению результатов. Это могут быть театрализации, спортивные игры, произведения изобразительного или декоративно-прикладного искусства, видеофильмы и т.п.
v) Ролевой проект является наиболее сложным в разработке и реализации. Участвуя в нём, проектанты берут на себя роли литературных или исторических персонажей, выдуманных героев. Результат проекта остаётся открытым до самого окончания.
Этапы работы над проектом:
1. Определение проблемы. Разделение на группы или пары.
2. Выдвижение гипотезы (работа в группе): обоснование, определение целей и задач.
iii. Выбор методов исследования (работа в группе)
4. Проведения исследования: работа с литературой, источниками интернета, приведение фактов, подбор аргументов, анализ фактов, проведение опроса.
5. Оформление результатов исследования: работа обучающихся в группах по составлению текста презентации, подбор и рисование плакатов, подбор музыкального и видео оформления.
6. Презентация результатов исследования: представление работ.
vii. Обобщение выполненной работы: подведение общего итога исследования.
Памятка по выполнению проектов.
1. Ставим цель (Для чего я это делаю? Какого результата я хочу достичь?) Записать ответы.
ii. Если это исследование, то затем нужно выдвинуть предположение – гипотезу. (Какой будет результат и почему?) Записать ответы.
3. Выбираем метод. (Что нужно сделать, чтобы получить результат?)
4. Собираем данные (ставим эксперименты, собираем необходимую информацию, материал, оформляем его).
five. Получаем результаты.
half dozen. Анализируем результаты. (Сравниваем полученные результаты с данной гипотезой).
seven. Делаем выводы.
viii. Защищаем результаты.
УРОК ix Сбалансированное питание.
LESSON 9 Counterbalanced diet.
Get ready!
Ex.1 Earlier y'all read the text, talk well-nigh these questions.
i | How many times a day practise you have a meal? |
two | Which repast is the most important? |
iii | Do you lot skip a meal? |
four | What do you like to eat? |
5 | Did yous eat whatever fruit and vegetables yesterday? |
half-dozen | How many times a week do yous eat fruit and vegetables? |
7 | What is your favorite food? |
8 | What have you lot had for breakfast today? |
ix | How many times a day do you take a meal? |
Ex.2 Read the text, using the post-obit words.
grains | зерновые продукты |
ounces | у́нция (мера аптекарского веса, равная 29,8 г.) |
cereal | злаки |
serving | порция |
canned | консервированные |
source | источник |
low-fat | обезжиренное |
seeds | семена |
It's important to consume well balanced meals. Food Pyramid is a general guide of what to eat each day because people must eat a diversity of foods to stay healthy. The balanced and healthy Food Pyramid was reworked from basic food groups, consisting of meat, dairy products, grains, fruit and vegetables. No one nutrient grouping is more than of import than some other, so a person needs them all for good health. Grains: The foods in this group give your body free energy. Eat iii-6 ounces of whole grain bread, cereal, rice, crackers or pasta daily. Vegetables - Y'all need 3-v servings. Swallow more dark green vegetables. Eat more orange vegetables. Swallow more dry beans and peas. Fruit - You need ii-iv servings a 24-hour interval. Eat a variety of fruit. Choose fresh, frozen, canned or dried fruit. Become like shooting fish in a barrel on fruit juices. Milk - You need 2-3 servings a twenty-four hour period. If yous don't or can't swallow milk, choose lactose-free products or other calcium sources. Meat and Beans - You demand 2-3 servings a day. Choose low-fatty meats and poultry. Bake information technology, boil it, or grill it. Vary your choices with more fish, beans, nuts and seeds. Y'all shouldn't utilize fat and carbohydrate too much. Your body only needs a pocket-size corporeality of fat. Sugary foods unremarkably don't have many vitamins and have also much fat and calories in them.
Vocabulary Ex.iii Match the English proverbs with their equivalents.
Ex.4 Mark the following statements every bit a true (T) or imitation (F).
| Speaking Ex.5 Read and translate full general communication on salubrious food. Ex.6 Tell almost balanced diet using the information from Ex.ii. ![]() |
УРОК 10 Витамины.
LESSON 10 Vitamins.
Get set! Ex.i Before y'all read the text, answer the question.
Reading Ex.2 Read and translate the text. People need vitamins to stay good for you. "Vita" means life in Latin. People get vitamins from the food they eat. There are a lot of vitamins in fruit and vegetables. Each vitamin is responsible for different things in the human body. There are about 10 major vitamins. They are usually named past a letter of the alphabet of the alphabet (A,B,C,D, etc.)
Ex.3 Find the English equivalents the post-obit sentences from the text.
1 | Во фруктах и овощах много витаминов. |
2 | Недостаток этого витамина может привести к серьезным заболеваниям и даже к смерти. |
iii | Витамиy В содержится в мясе, овощах, молоке и сыре. |
4 | Он помогает формировать крепкие кости и предотвращает заболевание рахит у детей. |
5 | Витамины делают людей здоровыми, оптимистичными и сильными. |
Ex.iv Мake up statements by matching their 2 parts.
Vitamin A | helps to prevent colds |
Vitamin B1 | makes our basic strong |
Vitamin C | for healthy skin and eyes |
Vitamin D | for the nervous organisation |
Ex.5 Tell almost balanced diet using the data from Ex.2
УРОК 11 Минеральные вещества.
LESSON 11 Minerals.
Get ready! Ex.1 Before you lot read the text, talk almost theses questions.
Minerals are an essential role of life on Earth every bit they work to promote the wellness of all living cells. They are necessary ingredients of life.
| We can discover fe in meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, fortified breads and cereals. Possible effects of taking besides much are an upset stomach; constipation; diarrhea; dark stools; decreased absorption of zinc, calcium and copper.
sense of gustation and scent; helps digestion; supports normal reproduction, growth and development We can find zinc in red meats, liver, oysters, certain seafood, milk products, eggs, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified cereals. |
Ex.3 According to the data from Ex.2 marking the post-obit statements as true (T) or faux (F).
1 | Minerals are an essential part of life on Earth as they work to promote the health of all living cells. |
2 | Calcium is a part of the thyroid hormones. |
3 | We tin detect iodine in iodized salt, seafood, kelp. |
4 | Ironis a part of hemoglobin; it helps blood carry oxygen to your body'due south tissues and muscles. |
v | Phosphorus helps maintain normal muscle and nerve role; |
6 | Magnesium is essential for healthy basic; helps your body produce free energy. |
vii | Nosotros can find zinc in reddish meats, liver, oysters, certain seafood, milk products, eggs, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified cereals. |
Ex.4 Find English equivalents from text.
one | неотъемлемая часть |
2 | живые клетки |
three | часть; формирование костей и зубов |
four | камни в почках |
5 | гормоны щитовидной железы |
6 | поддержать здоровье иммунной системы |
7 | злаки |
8 | сниженная всасываемость железа и меди |
9 | потеря аппетита |
10 | поддерживать сердцебиение |
Ex.v Answer the questions.
i | Why are minerals an essential part of life on World? |
2 | Does calcium play an important role in forming bones and teeth? |
3 | What mineral sustains regular heartbeat? |
4 | Overdosage of phosphorus can cause decreased absorption of calcium, tin can't it? |
5 | Why is zinc needed? |
6 | What furnishings can the overdosage of iron take? |
Ex.6 Tell near minerals using the information from Ex.2.
УРОК 12-13 Меню и рацион питания здорового человека.
LESSON 12-xiii Menu and diet of a healthy person.
Become ready!
Ex.ane Before you read the text, talk nearly these questions.
1 | What can you say about healthy nutrient? Is it important to eat good for you food? Why? |
Ex.2 Read the text, using the following words.
addiction | привычка |
to feel tired or cross | чувствовать себя усталым и раздраженным |
fuel | топливо |
sufficient | достаточный |
to supply | снабжать, поставлять |
Our meals and diet Our eating habits affect our health. If a person has no breakfast, or poor breakfast he feels tired or cross and hungry till lunch. Food is a form of fuel. It gives united states of america energy, helps u.s.a. to grow, resist affliction and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the torso. If a person wants to exist in skillful wellness he must be conscientious most his meals and nutrition. Diet should contain everything sufficient to supply the needs of the body. People of physical work need more than food that forms strong teeth and basic. It is important to know that a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.
In the hospital the doctor unremarkably prescribes the diet for every patient. A person with high temperature and poor appetite needs caloric diet. You can treat many diseases by diet.
Ex.3 Marking the post-obit statements every bit a true (T) or imitation (F).
1 | If a person has no breakfast, or poor breakfast he feels tired or cross and hungry till tiffin. |
2 | If a person wants to be in good health he must not be careful most his meals and diet. |
3 | People of mental piece of work need more food that forms strong teeth and bones. |
4 | It is of import to know that a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins. |
5 | You tin treat many diseases past diet. |
Ex.4 Discover English language equivalents from the text.
1 | влиять на здоровье |
ii | сопротивляться болезни |
3 | содержать все необходимое |
4 | чтобы обеспечить потребности тела |
five | содержать все необходимое |
six | умственная работа |
7 | плохой аппетит |
8 | углеводы |
Ex.5 Translate the post-obit word combinations.
Ex.6 Match the words (ane-vii) with the definitions (A-G).
| Speaking Ex.7 Answer the questions.
Ex.8 Tell about diet of a healthy person, using the information from Ex.2 |
УРОК xiv Диета и рацион питания беременной женщины.
LESSON xiv Nutrition and diet for meaning woman.
Get ready!
Ex.1 Earlier y'all read the text, expect at the moving-picture show and answer the question.
ane | What you know about a nutrition for meaning women? |
Ex.2 Read and interpret the text, using the post-obit words.
total | целое, общее |
need | потребность |
to increment | повышать, увеличивать |
to supply | обеспечивать, восполнять |
to consume | потреблять, расходовать |
extra | дополнительный |
to require | нуждаться |
adsorption | поглощение, всасывание |
metabolism | обмен веществ |
A nutrition for pregnant women During pregnancy the total caloric needs increase to supply energy for fetal evolution. A pregnant woman needs approximately 300 more calories per 24-hour interval than earlier she becomes significant. Protein is a component of everybody prison cell and important for edifice the maternal blood supply. Poly peptide also is necessary for fetal hair, skin, musculus, nervus tissue and brain development. Minerals. Calcium and phosphorus are of import minerals in fetal – os development. Dairy products are splendid sources of both calcium and phosphorus. Zinc is some other mineral needed for fetal growth and development. Good food sources of zinc include meat, liver, eggs, seafood. Iron builds maternal claret volume and fetal blood and muscle. Foods rich in fe include red meat, liver, raisins. Vitamins.Folic acrid is a vitamin important in poly peptide metabolism, particularly in periods of rapid growth. Pregnant women should start the day with a adept breakfast. Green leafy vegetables, liver are good sources of folic acid.
Ex.3 Mark the post-obit statements as a true (T) or false (F).
i | A meaning woman needs approximately thousand more calories per mean solar day than before she becomes pregnant. |
2 | Poly peptide is necessary for fetal hair, skin, muscle, nervus tissue and brain development. |
3 | Calcium and phosphorus are important minerals in fetal – brain evolution. |
4 | Zinc is another mineral needed for fetal growth and evolution. |
5 | Pregnant women should non start the twenty-four hours with a adept breakfast. |
Ex.iv Observe the English language equivalents the post-obit discussion combinations from the text.
1 | потребности в калориях |
2 | каждая клетка тела |
3 | для построения |
iv | развитие мозга |
5 | морепродукты |
six | мышцы плода |
7 | источник фолиевой кислоты |
Ex.5 Fill up in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank.
WORD bank: | ||
pregnancy torso jail cell first-class | ||
folic acid approximately | ||
1 | A pregnant woman needs _________ 300 more calories per day than before she becomes meaning. | |
2 | Protein is a component of every_________ and important for edifice the maternal blood supply. | |
3 | Dairy products are _________ sources of both calcium and phosphorus. | |
4 | Many women enter _________ with depression fe stores. | |
v | Light-green leafy vegetables, liver are expert sources of _________. Speaking | |
Ex.6 Tell about a nutrition for pregnant adult female, using the information from Ex.2.
УРОК 15 Полезные и вредные диеты .
LESSON 15 Salubrious and unhealthy diets.
Get ready! Before you read the text, look at the picture and answer the questions.
1 | What products belong to a salubrious diet? |
2 | What products belong to an unhealthy diet? |
Ex.2 Read and translate the text.
Types of diets At that place are many different types of diets. Some, like a vegetarian diet, don't include meats. Others, like the Mediterranean diet, draw a traditional style of eating of a specific region. And there are diets for people with certain health bug, such as diabetes. Many people follow specific diets to lose weight. Some of these diets are fad or crash diets that severely restrict calories or the types of food you are allowed to eat. These diets rarely pb to permanent weight loss and often don't provide all of the nutrients your body needs. To lose weight, you need to utilize more calories than you lot eat. Portion control is the central. When trying to lose weight, you lot tin can still swallow your favorite foods equally long equally you pay attention to the total number of calories that you eat.
Ex.3 Notice English language equivalents from the text.
1 | вегетарианская диета |
2 | средиземноморская диета |
3 | похудеть |
4 | питательные вещества |
5 | обращать внимание |
6 | общее количество калорий |
Ex.4 Depict the photo and answer the questions.
i | Is the nutrient the people are eating healthy? Why? |
2 | What bug may they face in the future if they go on eating like this? |
iii | Why are fast nutrient restaurants so popular? |
four | What should people consume to be healthy? |
5 | How frequently exercise you take take-away fast food or go to fast food restaurants? |
Ex. five Describe the photos and answer the questions.
| Writing Ex. 6 Read a letter from Den and answer him. Dear boys and girls, Hello! I'm Den. My surname is Ross. I'm from London. I'1000 xi. I'm a educatee at a secondary school. I would like to have a pen-friend from Russia. We can tell each other about our countries and traditions. My hobby is cooking and eating ice-cream. I would similar to tell you well-nigh the English meals. The English have four meals a 24-hour interval: breakfast, lunch, tea (at five o'clock) and dinner or supper. In England dejeuner time is between 12 or 2, dinner or supper fourth dimension is between 7 or 10. The English like porridge. They usually eat information technology for breakfast. They don't consume as well much bread. As for me, I have breakfast at 7 o'clock. I accept breakfast at home. For breakfast I usually have porridge, some sausage, toasts and coffee with milk. I like sausage. But I don't like black coffee. I would similar to eat pizza for breakfast. Pizza is my favourite nutrient. I'g a skilful eater. Past the style I enjoy chocolate and sweets. I'm a sweet tooth. What about you lot? Please write presently and tell me about yourselves. All-time wishes. Den. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
УРОК 16 Итоговое занятие. Зачёт.
LESSON 16 Revision.
Устная тема с последующей беседой по содержанию.
one. Диета.
two. Пищевая ценность продуктов.
3. Белки. Жиры. Углеводы.
four. Вода и её роль в организме.
5. Питание человека.
6. Витамины.
7. Минеральные вещества.
eight. Сбалансированное питание
9. Меню и рацион питания здорового человека.
10. Меню и рацион питания беременной женщины.
11. Полезные и вредные диеты.
УРОК 17 Первая помощь.
LESSON 17 First Aid.
| | ![]() | |||||
burn | pulse | laceration | |||||
Become ready! Ex.ane Before you read the passage, talk about these questions. 1 What are some injuries that commencement aid can help? 2 What are some common get-go aid techniques? Basic Offset Aid Techniques In a medical emergency, e'er phone call for help first. The following are basic steps to take to aid an injury victim before medical assist arrives. Assess the victim's status. Give him or her plenty of space. Prevent shockby elevating the legs and covering the victim. Apply pressureto lacerationor other open woundsto stop bleeding. If bleeding has stopped, wounds should be cleaned and wrapped in a bandage. Cool minor burnswith running h2o. If the victim's pulseor animate has stopped, CPR or rescue breathingcan be performed. Be sure to clear the victim's airway before rescue breathing is carried out. | Reading Ex.ii Read the first aid guide. Then, marker the post-obit statements as true (T) or simulated (F). 1 Bleeding wounds should be wrapped with a bandage. ii Use running water to cool burns. 3 Rescue breathing can clear a victim's airway Vocabulary Ex.3 Lucifer the words (one-vi) with the definitions (A-F)
Aa normal, regular heartbeat that can be felt when an artery is pressed Ba first aid process involving chest pinch and artificial breathing Can open injury caused by a hard impact to and then soft trunk tissue Da medical emergency in which the circulatory system cannot provide oxygen to the torso Ea commencement aid procedure involving providing air for someone who has stopped animate, only even so has a heartbeat Fa physical injury that can be caused by heat | ||||||
Vocabulary Ex.4 Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the give-and-take banking concern.
Discussion bank: |
wound bandage assess |
first assistance pressure |
ane | The dr. volition demand to ________________the victim'southward condition. |
2 | I am trained in basic ______________ techniques. |
3 | Utilize _____________ to the injury to cease the haemorrhage. |
four | Launder the injury and wrap a(n)______________ around it. |
5 | The nurse used stitches to close the ______________. |
Ex.5 Listen to a conversation between a doctor and a patient. Choose the right answers.
one What is the conversation mainly almost?
Atreating a burn
Bdidactics showtime aid
Chealing a cutting finger
Dremoving a bandage
2What will the woman likely do next?
Acover the injury
Bclean the laceration
Cremove the cast
Dutilize pressure level to the cut
Ex.six Mind again and consummate the conversation.
Doctor:How-do-you-do, Neb. i _____ _____ _____ today? Patient:My finger 2 _____ _____. Md:Allow me 3 ______ _____ ______ at it. Yes, it'due south all red with a blister. What happened? Patient:I touched a hot stove. Physician:I meet. Did anyone provide 4______ ______? Patient:Yeah, I5 ______ ______cold h2o over it. Doctor:Well, it probably helped. It half dozen ________ ________ _________ in a few days. Simply put aloe vera on it. Patient:Thank yous, Doctor. I'll endeavor to be more careful.
Ex.vii With a partner, act out the roles below based on Ex.half dozen Then, switch roles.
Student A:Yous are a doctor. Talk to Student B nearly:
- a minor injury
- outset aid provided
- how y'all will care for it
Pupil B:You are a patient. Talk to Student A virtually a minor injury.
Ex.eight Utilise the chat from Ex.7 to fill out the patient chart.
Patient chart Patient: _________________________ Symptoms:_______________________________________________________ Cause:___________________________________________________________ Handling:_________________________________________________________
УРОК 18 Ушиб. Переломы. Ожог.
LESSON 18 Injury. Fractures. Burns.
Cleaved Bones Bone health is vital to a body's general wellbeing. The skeletonprovides the trunk's basic framework, while bone marrowis an important part of the allowed system. Damaged bones must exist treated carefully to avoid improper healing. This guide will help you place fracturesso you can care for them appropriately. Stress fracturesrequire straightforward handling. The bone is typically cracked rather than broken all the manner through. This means no repositioning is necessary before the bone heals. Displacedfractures, on the other hand, are tricky. They crave that the bone be reset before it can heal.Compoundfractures and impacted fractures, for example, require all-encompassing repositioning so the os heals in the correct place. Comminutedfractures are especially complicated because the bone is split into several pieces. If you work with children, you will probable come across greenstickfractures. These common fractures occur when young, soft bones are aptitude.
Ex.ii Listen and read the poster on bone fracture. And then, mark the following statements equally truthful (T) or false (F).
1 | Os marrow is necessary to assistance heal fractures. |
2 | Stress fractures are easier to treat than other fractures. |
iii | Some fractures require repositioning the bone later it heals. |
Ex.3 Find English equivalents from text.
1 | кость |
ii | осколочный перелом |
3 | прелом по типу зеленой веточки |
iv | Костный мозг |
5 | лечить |
half-dozen | срастаться |
Ex.four Friction match the words (i-7) with the definitions (A-Chiliad).
ane | os | 5 | compound |
ii | marrow | six | comminuted |
three | impacted | 7 | stress fracture |
4 | greenstick |
A | having bone protruding through the skin |
B | a minor crack in a bone |
C | the breakage of a young, soft bone |
D | a stiff, hard part of a torso'southward construction |
E | having parts crushed together |
F | A soft substance with immune functions |
G | being broken into several pieces |
Ex.five Listen and read the affiche on bone fracture again. What is the deviation between a stress fracture and a displaced bone?
Ex.6 Listen to a conversation between a doc and a medical student. Choose the correct answers.
ane | What is the purpose of the chat? | ||
A | To learn about unlike fractures | ||
B | to allocate a type of fracture | ||
C | to decide the crusade of a fracture | ||
D | tо locate a fracture on an x-ray | ||
two | What does the student identify incorrectly? | ||
A | The os that was broken | ||
B | The severity of the fracture | ||
C | The steps required before healing | ||
D | The type of treatment needed | ||
Ex.7 Listen over again and complete the conversation.
Doctor:And then, Roger, 1________ _________ _________ you see in this x-ray. Student: Hmm, allow'southward run into. Well, at that place 2________ ________ ________a fracture of the left tibia. Physician:That'south right. Can you identify 3_______ ________ ________ fracture? Educatee:It doesn't look too serious. I'd say that's a pretty standard 4________ ________. Doctor:Are you lot sure? Maybe you should 5________ ________ ________ _______. Student:Is that wrong? It is not6 ______ is information technology? I don't encounter , multiple bone fragments.
Ex.8 Look at the pic and consider the degrees of burn down. And then read and translate the text.
Burns Burn down - is an injury that results from oestrus, chemical agent or radiation. Classification of Burns: Offset Degree – The outer skin is reddened and welted or slightly swollen. 2nd Degree - The nether skin is affected and blisters are formed. 3rd Degree - The skin is destroyed and tissues underneath are damaged. Treatment for first Degree Burn : 1) Immerse burnt surface area in common cold water until the patient ceases to feel pain. 2) When it is possible to immerse the burned area, moist cold towels should be practical and renewed frequently. three) Follow this application for dry out dressing. four) If desired a simple burn ointment may be applied Treatment for second-degree burn : 1) Follow the steps prescribe in the first caste except exercise not apply whatsoever burn ointment. 2) Gently absorb surface area dry with sterile approximate or clean cloth. 3) Utilize sterile gauze or clean every bit protective dressing. four) Never break a cicatrice. Treatment for third Degree Burn down: 1) Practice not remove adhered particles of charred clothing. two) Cover burned expanse with sterile dressing or freshly laundered sheet. 3) Do not allow victim to walk. 4) If medical help is non available for one hour or more and victim is conscious, and not vomiting, give a weak solution of salt and soda.
Reading Ex.9 Answer the questions.
Vocabulary Ex.10 Detect English equivalents from passage.
Ex.xi Match the words (1-iii) with the definitions (A-С)
| Speaking Ex.12 With a partner, human action out the roles below. Student A:You are a doc. Talk to Student B about:
Writing Ex.13 Employ the chat from Ex. 12 to fill up out the patient nautical chart. Patient nautical chart Patient: _________________________ Symptoms:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Cause:__________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ Handling:_______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________ |
УРОК nineteen Кровотечение.
LESSON 19 Bleeding.
Get set up! Ex.1 Before yous read the text, look at the film and talk almost these questions. 1 What kinds of bleeding practice y'all know? 2 What is the outset aid for bleeding? ![]() Bleeding is a process of loss of blood from the blood vessels. Astringent or continuous bleeding may lead to death. Thus, the person doing first assistance must effort to control severe bleeding. An developed can lose 500 ml of claret not having any harm, but the loss of 300 ml might cause death in an baby. Haemorrhage can be external or internal. Bleeding may exist from an artery, from a vein, from a capillary. Start aid for haemorrhage is intended to stop the bleeding, forestall infection, and prevent shock. Utilise direct pressure on the injury. Use a dressing, if available. If a dressing is non accessible, use a rag, towel, piece of article of clothing or your paw only. If haemorrhage continues, and y'all practise not doubtable a fracture, enhance the wound above the level of the heart and carry on to use directly pressure. If the haemorrhage isn't controlled, the next step is to utilise force per unit area at a force per unit area point. For wounds of the arms or hands, pressure points are situated on the inside of the wrist or on the inside of the upper arm. For wounds of the legs, the pressure tip is at the crease in the groin. Steps 1 and 2 should exist sustained with use of the pressure points. The concluding step to control bleeding is to use a force per unit area cast over the injury. Note the divergence betwixt a dressing and a bandage. A dressing may be gauze square practical direct to a wound, while a bandage, such every bit curlicue gauze, is used to hold a dressing in place. After the cast is in identify, information technology is of import to examination the pulse to make sure apportionment is not interrupted. When faced with the need to control major bleeding, it is not important to use a sterile dressing. Employ whatever y'all take at manus and work quickly. | Reading Ex.2 Read and interpret the text. Then, mark the following statements equally true (T) or false (F).
6. | |||||||||||
Vocabulary Ex.3 Find English language equivalents from text.
Ex. four Read the table and fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases from the word bank.
Donor Claret Type | Eligible Recipients |
Type O | All types |
Blazon A | Type A, Type AB |
Type B | Type B, Type AB |
Type AB | Type AB |
WORD bank: | |
Type O compatible Type AB | |
universal donor transfusion | |
ane | This man needs a(an)__________now or he'll bleed to death. |
two | It's okay to requite Blazon A blood to someone who has ___________. |
three | The blood depository financial institution encourages every __________ to donate every bit often as possible. |
4 | If your blood is ___________, yous can give blood to anyone. |
5 | The hospital does not have any blood that is __________ with the patient's blood. |
Speaking Ex.5 With a partner, human action out the roles below. Student A:You are a nurse. Talk to Student B virtually:
- a blood donation
- his or her blood type
- who tin can receive the blood
Student B:Y'all are a claret donor. Talk to Student A about your blood donation. Writing Ex.six Utilize the conversation from Ex.5 to complete the donor profile.
Blood Donor Profile
Name: ____________________________
Blood Type: _______________________
Eligible Recipients: __________________
Ineligible Recipients: ________________
УРОК twenty Маточное кровотечение.
LESSON 20 Uterine bleeding.
Go set! Ex.1 Before yous read the text, look at the flick and name the organs of female reproductive system. ![]()
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