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If You Block Someones Email Will They Know

Tabular array of Contents

  • 1 How to Block Someone on Gmail – (Desktop)?
  • ii How to Block Someone on Gmail – Phone(Android)
    • 2.ane What Happens When You Cake Someone on Gmail?
  • iii How to Unblock Someone on Gmail?
  • iv How to Block Someone on Hangouts?
  • 5 Conclusion

Email is the master medium of business-related advice. Where in that location are company email addresses are taking over because they look more than professional, at that place are still a huge number of users using Gmail for twenty-four hours to twenty-four hour period emailing. Since Gmail is a mailing service offered by Google, information technology is the best in business, and the all-time matter is you lot become 15GB infinite for gratis which includes, Emails, Google Bulldoze Information, Google Photos, etc. Moreover, when you fill 15GB, you need to pay for extra space.

Coming to the subject of today'due south blog post and that is about blocking someone Gmail, and what happens when y'all block someone on Gmail. We volition talk in detail on this "blocking in Gmail" thing.

How to Cake Someone on Gmail – (Desktop)?

Blocking someone on Gmail is very easy just as you know, until you know the thing, it looks tough. So, allow'southward observe out how to block someone on Gmail.


Login to your Gmail Account, and open the email from the person whom you desire to block.

Step two:

Click the three vertical dots equally shown in below screenshot, and click "Block '<Sender name>'"

Now, you volition meet, a popular up as shown beneath which states that the futurity emails volition be marked every bit spam from this sender.

Click " Block ", and you are done.

Now, all the emails from that sender will direct become to the Spam without coming into your notice.

Isn't the process is very simple?

This is how to block someone on Gmail on Desktop. At present, permit's see how to do information technology on the telephone. The procedure is similar though

How to Block Someone on Gmail – Phone(Android)

The similar process you have to employ on your telephone too. Beginning of all, open up the Gmail App, and open an email from the sender you lot want to cake.

Now, tap on three vertical dots, and tap "Block <Sender Proper noun>" equally shown in the below screenshot:

At present, all of the email from that sender will get to spam.

Note: Yous don't need to block on both desktop or app. But block on anyone, and information technology volition work on both every bit the cake is non device-specific but account specific. That ways, if you are using the same Gmail account on the computer and your phone, then you accept to block someone on any of these, and information technology will be practical everywhere you use your account.

What Happens When Y'all Block Someone on Gmail?

When you block someone on Gmail, he will yet be able to send you emails but those won't come up to your inbox rather they volition become to the spam folder directly. Thus, you won't be bothered by the sender that you don't want to hear from.

One more affair, the person yous block, never knows that you have blocked him on Gmail. Yet, if he keeps sending you an email, and he gets no response, then he might make assumptions nigh beingness blocked only when y'all cake, the user doesn't get to know virtually this activity of yours.

How to Unblock Someone on Gmail?

When you lot block someone, most of the chances that y'all do intentionally and don't want to hear from that sender but sometimes, either y'all practise information technology mistakenly or would want to unblock the sender, and then what? You need non to worry as the procedure is very easy. On the desktop, open up Gmail account of yours, open any email from that blocked sender, and click on "Unblock Sender" or y'all can likewise do past clicking on the three vertical dots, and so click "Unblock <Sender name>"

It will inquire yous once again with an alert, so click "Unblock" again.

The same process applies on phone also.

Just, there is a case, if you have deleted all the emails of that sender after blocking, then how you lot can unblock?

Nosotros have a way out in that location for this case as well. In this case, go to  Settings of your Gmail by clicking the Gear icon

At present, click "Filters and Blocked Addresses"

At that place you will see the filter at the top, and beneath that, you lot will see the blocked addresses. In front of them, in that location are "Unblock" buttons available.

Just click on Unblock for an account, and y'all volition see a popular-up. Click " Unblock " once more, and the sender will be unblocked.

That's it.

Important Note:
Blocking on Gmail and Blocking on Hangout is different. If you accept blocked someone on Hangout, it won't impact the emails. His emails will be received in your inbox. Similarly, if you lot blocked someone Gmail, he tin still bulletin you on hangout.

How to Block Someone on Hangouts?

Go to, and log in with your Google business relationship. Open up the conversation with the person yous want to cake. Now, click on the Gear icon in the chatbox.


Now, when y'all click "Block & report", you lot volition be asked to ostend. Just click on that and the user will be blocked.


Blocking and Unblocking someone on Gmail is quite like shooting fish in a barrel equally you read higher up. And, these are what happens when y'all block someone on Gmail.

But, always block someone when information technology is very required considering you never know who has something important to talk over with you, and since you blocked him/her, he/she cannot reach out to yous.

So, improve to avoid blocking without solid reasons. Hope you find this guide helpful. Delight share your thoughts in the comments.

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