Once You Know the Nature of the Beast
The inexorable spread of Nurgle'south forces across the world is assisted by His many plagues and diseases. However, like whatsoever other major Chaos power, in that location is also a swarm of daemons at His behest, skittering and marching across the battlefield. The coming of Nurgle is accompanied by the laughter and joy of grin daemons, a tide of rolling infection that grins as information technology moves. They are as thoroughly without mercy as any Warhammer race, only they recollect they're doing you a favour.
Long-time readers know exactly which paragraph this is – it's the i where I tell you WARHAMMER III is still in development and things could change earlier release. More and more gameplay footage is condign available, but this even so isn't the place we desire to driblet every picayune stat. Information technology'd brand the article even more massively long than it is already, for one matter. Keep the feedback coming via your preferred platforms, and enjoy a look at the forces of the Plague God.
Nurgle Legendary Lord
Ku'gath Plaguefather
Whilst other Great Unclean Ones work to spread the plagues already extant, Ku'gath, the Plaguefather, is fascinated by the breeding of new and virulent life. Ku'gath aims to i day breed a contamination that tin can infect the Gods themselves. The Plaguefather rides upon a massive palanquin bedecked with alchemical paraphernalia: vials total of seething powder, flasks of indescribable liquid and hessian sacks stuffed to bursting with Nurglings. This great bulk is held aloft by a carpet of straining Nurglings, and Ku'gath is attended on past countless others, all bred from the Plaguefather's pox vats.
In battle, Ku'gath operates equally the campaign's earliest-available artillery piece, hurling explosive Nurglings beyond one-half the map to detonate in the ranks of his enemies. He's an adept spellcaster in the Lore of Nurgle, a uniquely powerful daemon summoner who can bring more of those explosive Nurglings onto the battlefield, and ane very smelly boy.
While non a titan of single combat, he is still a Great Unclean One of immense power and renown, and thus not an easy target for anyone or affair. A great leader of his armies and an inspiring figure to all those that bear the Mark of Nurgle. From atop his Nurgling Palanquin he preaches the word of his lord, inspiring all who hear it and don't consider information technology the almost rotten filth imaginable.
- Lores: Lore of Nurgle
- Mounts: None, but rides a Nurgling Palanquin as default
Nurgle Lords
Herald of Nurgle
The longer a victim can endure against Nurgle's Rot, the greater in the Plaguelord'southward sight the resulting Daemon shall be. From the souls of such hardy individuals are shaped the repulsive Heralds of Nurgle, who march in the Daemonic legions as proof positive that fifty-fifty the strongest and ablest cannot indefinitely defy disease. Heralds of Nurgle possess a strength and hardiness that belies their rotten frames, likewise as a jovial nature somewhat at odds with the world-weary attribute of their droning minions.
- Mounts: Nurgle Palanquin or Rot Fly
- Lores: Lore of Nurgle or Lore of Expiry
Exalted Great Unclean Ane
In perverse contrast to his horrific advent, the Exalted Great Unclean One is neither morbid nor consumed with despair – if annihilation the opposite is true. Exalted Swell Unclean Ones are exuberant in the pursuit of their enthusiasms. Gregarious and curiously sentimental, they hold their followers dear and even refer to them every bit their 'children'. They have great patriarchal pride in the achievements of their fellow creatures, proclaiming vociferously the splendours of the poxes and sores evinced by those around them, and bellow with hearty laughter in response to the destruction wrought in Nurgle'south proper name.
Each is a being of magical power near un-matched, imbuing the air itself with the necessary energy to render all around them into the fleshy slush of ravaged corpses. Within their bodies live a thousand thousand contagions unborn, as well as the flies and beasts that feed off such sickness. At a moment's notice they tin can unleash this on enemy troops, buzzing distraction proving as mortiferous a foe as the cursed blades of the Plaguebearers.
- Lores: Lore of Nurgle or Lore of Death
Nurgle Heroes
Cultist of Nurgle
The brutal Gods of Chaos ask for full and consummate devotion from their mortal followers, and they grow stiff upon the conflict and slaughter they unleash. In exchange, the Ruinous Powers offer their nighttime blessings – gifts that make the true-blue mighty indeed. The Marking of Nurgle manifests itself in a variety of icky afflictions. A cloud of flies accompanies its bearers, making them difficult to target.
Cultists exist to spread the corruption of their god, Nurgle's in particular. His most devoted servants carry plagues and worse the earth over, infiltrating towns and armies to employ their very bodies as fuel for the spread of His glorious gifts. These Plague Cultists exist purely for that purpose, outside of the normal deployment of Cultists.
While normal Cultists can serve in boxing, they are a stronger strength wandering the earth, spreading corruption, sabotaging enemy plans, scouting, and generally making a rotten nuisance of themselves.
Though they share many loathsome features, Plaguebearers are by no means identical in appearance and ability, for Nurgle'south Rot is somewhat variable in its virulence and incubation. In one case infected, your life is over, it is merely a matter of fourth dimension and final effect. Those hardy individuals who may consider themselves lucky, strong enough to resist the gifts of Nurgle even, practise not get the last express mirth. They are shaped into the repulsive Plagueridden, who march in the Daemonic legions as proof positive that fifty-fifty the strongest and ablest cannot indefinitely defy disease.
They are hubs of sickness, a beacon for their allies which increases their force or rots away enemies when they are nearby. A Plagueridden is also a pulley, destroying enemies through magical infection and disease as much equally physical.
- Lores: Lore of Nurgle or Lore of Expiry
- Mounts: Nurgling Palanquin or Rot Fly
Nurgle Units
Nurgle Infantry
The rotting bowels of the Bang-up Unclean Ones slap-up with pus and contagion, and within each swelling in that location grows a tiny and malevolent Daemon chosen a Nurgling. Physically, they are miniature versions of Nurgle himself, with friendly mischievous faces, tiny, swollen green bodies, and limbs that are frequently distorted or disproportionate. When faced with an enemy they advance in a furious swarm, clawing and gnawing at the foe's legs, biting his ankles and licking at whatsoever interesting sores or abrasions they discover.
Notable characteristics:
- All Nurglish daemons – so everything except Forsaken and Spawn – share a couple of traits. Poison Attacks and Cloud of Flies both represent the constant sickliness and aura of disease that surrounds them. The latter increases the Melee Defence of the unit if they are in extended melee combat.
- All daemons besides share the causes fear and physical resistance traits, likewise as granting immunity to terror and routing, and causing damage when Leadership drops.
- Nurglings may deploy far out from the main force with Vanguard Deployment, because they're good little lads. Merely absolute champs.
Plaguebearers of Nurgle
The rank and file of Nurgle'south legions, crafted from the soul-stuff of mortals who take been slain by Nurgle'south Rot. What little of the Plaguebearer's skin that can be seen beneath the belch of innumerable sores is tinged with suppurant greens and vile browns. Pus weeps continuously from its unmarried bloodshot eye and from the Daemon's forehead protrudes a single horn – the mark of Nurgle's Rot. Units of Plaguebearers are surrounded by a constant drone, created by the attendant hosts of plump black flies.
Notable characteristics:
- What they lack in armour and skill, Plaguebearers brand upward for in pure strength and health. They are blobs of flesh ready to absorb the enemy and strike back.
- In general, Nurgle's armies are tedious – the plod of an oncoming, inevitable decease – and Plaguebearers are some of the slowest.
- No matter how nicely they inquire, do not hug.
Forsaken of Nurgle
Forsaken are frothing maniacs that howl and scream every bit they sprint pell-mell towards the enemy lines, mutated limbs flailing and distended jaws snapping like those of ravenous beasts. Though they were one time proud and mighty Chaos Warriors, because of the astringent mutations bestowed upon them, they have become something less than human, with no more understanding of battlefield tactics than the hounds that gather effectually their bone-strewn lairs. These unfortunates have been reduced to the level of animals, and snarl and growl in a guttural parody of true language.
Notable characteristics:
- As one of the few non-daemonic units, Forsaken cover an important function in Nurgle armies as hardy and quick-moving forcecs.
- They are in a constant frenzy, cause fright, and are immune to psychology.
- Significantly lower melee defence and health than Plaguebearers, giving you a selection of ways to destroy your enemies.
Exalted Plaguebearers of Nurgle
It is the Plaguebearer'due south eternal function to herd Nurgle'south Daemonic forces in battle, besides every bit keep stock of the diseases, allocate appropriate fates to each new victim, and attempt to maintain society amidst a naturally chaotic horde. These onerous duties have earned Plaguebearers the title of Nurgle's Tallymen in pop lore. It is all merely impossible to tally anything amongst the anarchy of battle, though this in no way discourages the Plaguebearers from their efforts. They are the embodiment of the demand of mortal creatures to impose meaning upon an uncaring void.
Notable characteristics:
- Bigger, stronger, and more powerful Plaguebearers.
- The Exalted too sport a special ranged weapon, throwing small versions of the Expiry's Head at enemies equally they close. This has armour-piercing properties, but a very express ammunition count.
- This also poisons, like almost everything Nurgle does. This weakens speed and damage of whatsoever unit affected.
Nurgle Monsters & Beasts
Anarchy Furies (Nurgle)
Furies are yowling shards of malevolent free energy – Chaos in its purest form. With little in the way of intelligence, they are utterly subservient to the whims of the Dark Gods, and shift in aspect and power as the balance of the dark pantheon alters. They are easily subjugated by other Daemons, whom they regard with a mix of dread and awe. Furies swarm at the edges of the boxing, avoiding the thickest fighting if they tin. Only when they sight a vulnerable victim do they descend, a wailing mass from which at that place can exist no escape.
Notable characteristics:
- For a slow army like Nurgle, the extremely speedy Furies serve a harrying and out-flanking purpose unfulfilled by many other units.
- Their poison attacks also mean that striking-and-run is effective for slowing down enemies and keeping them in gainsay for longer.
- Useful support for Nurglings with Vanguard Deployment, as both volition be killed chop-chop in a pitched, unit vs. unit boxing.
Animal of Nurgle
The Beast of Nurgle is a truly horrendous aberration, no less mortiferous than it is morbidly and irrefutably ugly. Its corpulent class is both sticky and slimy, as a layer of infectious ooze seeps from its every pore and orifice. Despite its fearsome appearance and deadly attributes, the Creature is an affectionate beast that behaves in all respects exactly similar an overfriendly and easily excited puppy. Information technology craves attending, greeting newcomers by slobbering all over them and petting them with its slimy tentacles. Once the Beast'south new friend stops moving, its interest quickly shifts to some other target.
Notable characteristics:
- Regenerating flesh is weak to fire but stiff to decease.
- Oozing slime in all directions fifty-fifty as information technology sits still, this magic clings to enemies and slows them downwards.
- "A happy chappy." – James Martin, game designer.
Plague Toads of Nurgle
The blackest, filth-high-strung lagoons and lightless sumps of the Plaguefather'south realm have served every bit a spawning ground to all way of daemonic beasts and foul creatures. They are toad-like bags of stagnant filth and pus whose wide maws can eat a man whole. Too as being dragged forth like pestilent flies in the wake of Chaos summonings and Daemonic incursions, these maligned Daemons are drawn to places of affliction and disuse in the mortal world such every bit the dank reaches of sewer-pits and stagnant mires, devouring the unwary that cantankerous their path and finding sustenance in suffering and befoulment.
Notable characteristics:
- Take the role of light cavalry or powerful state of war beasts from another army, though with their ain unique gait and feel.
- Volition smash aside lighter units with pure trunk weight, giving them anti-infantry properties.
- On the cheaper and speedier side for Nurgle.
Rot Flies
Beasts of Nurgle, perpetually disappointed past the rag-doll inactivity of their mortal playthings, develop a kernel of bitterness in their ebullient souls. Crestfallen puzzlement leads to frustration and ultimately an aching resentment of the mortals that spurn its visitor. Over the millennia, a thin seed of malice grows in such a Beast's center, feeding upon low and angst until it throbs similar a herpes at the Daemon'southward core. Eventually the creature within bursts out of its fleshy sac as a total-grown Rot Wing, a creature of pitiless malice hell-bent on wreaking its revenge upon an uncaring universe.
Notable characteristics:
- A fast-moving, armour-piercing, flying unit makes a powerful Nurgle piece when combined with His other units.
- Taking the opportunity to highlight our new flying toggle, which works as well with Rot Flies as any other flying melee unit.
- See, see what happens when you aren't dainty to a Brute of Nurgle? Look what you did. You gave it anxiety.
Pox Riders of Nurgle
Shambolic but purposeful, where they can Plaguebearers capture and harness Plague Toads to be their mounts, stalking and squeezing them from their filth-choked lairs in the darkest cesspools of the realm of decay. These Pox Riders, as they are known, oft have the vanguard of a Plaguedaemon battle line, crashing into the ranks of mortal foes like bloated cannonballs, their riders' tainted blades slashing virtually them, necrotic filth and brackish blood spraying up from them as they autumn, daydreaming of their losses.
Notable characteristics:
- Unlikely to outpace other cavalry on over-large, infected toads, simply they'll give it their best shot.
- Their charge is, however, no less devastating, and the addition of a flailing, dawdling Plaguebearer to the jaws and mass of its steed is non pleasant for Nurgle's enemies.
- If the unit of measurement is injured (or is withal replenishing after beingness hired, Nurgle campaign mechanics readers), is that a frog fraction?
Spawn of Nurgle
Should Nurgle go on to pile on His dubious gifts, the recipient volition devolve into a mindless, hideous creature known as a Anarchy Spawn. Though the Plague God may turn His champion into a spawn if they have displeased him in some way, he is just equally likely to do and then simply equally a result of inadvertently heaping i mutation upon some other. Though their forms are repulsive, these gibbering one time-men are revered by the followers of Chaos, for they believe that it is improve to know the briefest and most vile of existences at the bidding of the Ruinous Powers than to grow old without drawing their observe.
Notable characteristics:
- As well as the poisonous attacks befitting any chum of Nurgle's, Spawn of Nurgle will regenerate over fourth dimension.
- Over Nurgle'south other forces, Spawn offer a significantly higher weapon strength and speed than most troops.
- On the flip side, their loftier health gels well with Nurgle's other troops and access to various healing affects.
Plague Drones of Nurgle
High-ranking Plaguebearers are known amongst the Daemon legions every bit Plague Drones; a title that conveys commendable humility, yet belies the ability beneath. These stewards of Nurgle's garden ride into the mortal realm mounted upon Rot Flies – colossal Daemon-insects whose appearance is and so repugnant it leaves festering scars upon the mind. From their lofty positions the Plague Drones can properly tally the diseases running rife across the battlefield, as well every bit swiftly intervene should Nurgle's divine plans run across with heavily-armed resistance.
When facing the unremarkable warriors of the mortal realm, a Rot Fly will slowly digest all meat from a skull before spitting out a plague-infused expiry's caput that its Plaguebearer rider tin can hurl at the foe. Given the chance, though, Rot Flies will chase downwardly the impertinent mortals that slew their previous incarnations. Opening their maws wider than physical law should allow, they consume their persecutors whole.
- Flight War Beasts
- Death's Heads
Notable characteristics:
- 1 extra aroused, bile-spewing daemon per Rot Wing adds a mixture of additional stats to the mix.
- Death'southward Caput variant gives a powerful, simply low ammunition, ranged assail to assistance to soften up targets.
- 1 more for our "daemon riding a daemon" tally.
Bang-up Unclean Ane
A gigantic figure swollen with decay, disease and all imaginable kinds of concrete corruption, the Daemon'south skin is a necrose and leathery surface covered with pockmarks, sores and other signs of loathsome infestation. His inner organs, rank with decay, spill through the ruptured skin and hang like rotting drapes near an immense girth. From these organs burst tiny pustulant creatures chosen Nurglings, which chew and suck upon the nauseous juices within. Such foulness echoes the cardinal truth of the universe: whilst there is life, there will exist ruin and decay, fifty-fifty unto the end of all things.
Notable characteristics:
- Has access to diverse spells from the Lore of Nurgle, making it an all-around menace.
- A Great Unclean Ane is a truly disgusting thing to confront, spreading terror through the ranks of opponents equally it digests them.
- Behemothic armour-piercing strikes can cut through fortress doors equally easily every bit mankind.
Nurgle Missile Monsters & Beasts
Soul Grinder (Nurgle)
When a Daemon's physical body is slain, he can give up his true name to the Forge of Souls. The night deal thus sealed, his bedridden essence is bound to a mighty Warp-metal hulk. Thus is he reborn equally a Soul Grinder. A Soul Grinder'due south clanking tread shakes the ground with every footstep, and it is devilishly fast for a creature its size, able to scuttle swift as a horse's gallop, or even faster should the scent of boxing touch its nostrils. Piston-driven legs thud habitation with sickening strength, crushing to bloody paste those beneath.
Notable characteristics:
- The Nurgle variant of the terrifying Soul Grinder can vomit gobs of poisonous fabric at artillery ranges to destroy formations.
- Maintains bully melee capabilities of other variants, making information technology a fantastic all-rounder.
- Other Nurgle passives brand information technology hardier in gainsay as well.
Spread joy and pestilence
Nurgle brings illness in every sphere, on the battlefield and off information technology. Weaken your enemies offset, and then engage them with the tedious-moving but deadly plague of forces you lot bring.
Source: https://www.totalwar.com/blog/total-war-warhammer-iii-nurgle-roster-reveal/
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