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What to Make With Clay Easy for Kids

We love air dry clay and have used it for years! Here are our top 15 air dry clay projects for kids that are easy and fun.

Updated June 2022

Have you used air dry clay? This stuff is awesome for kids' arts & crafts! It feels a lot like regular potter's clay, but it's not as messy. And it dries hard without needing to be fired.

Is it unbreakable? No. But neither is fired pottery. And it is quite strong.

We use and love Crayola Air Dry Clay and have for years.
The quality is good, the price is reasonable, and there's just so much that can be done with it!

You can get Crayola Air Dry Clay at most big box stores, craft stores, or online.

For more of our recommended kids' arts and crafts supplies (as well as art books, open-ended toys, etc.), be sure to check out The Artful Parent Amazon storefront.

Here is a list of our favorite clay projects for kids. We hope you get inspired and try a few!

clay projects for kids pinterest (1)
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

Clay Projects for Kids

Photo by Jean Van't Hul

1. Model birds + pinch pot nests

Create sweet birds and pinch pot nests. This is a perfect springtime clay activity!

Nature prints in air dry clay
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

2. Make nature prints in clay with flowers & leaves

This easy nature craft project is fun for kids to experiment making prints in clay.

clay hand bowls
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

3. Create hand dishes

These clay dishes are easy & fun to create and decorate! Use them to hold small trinkets, for display, or to gift to others.

painted clay coil pot
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

4. Make a coil pot

Learn how to make a simple or more elaborate version of clay coil pots.

Child decorating air dry clay heart ornaments with beads
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

5. Create beaded heart ornaments

Create heart shapes with cookie cutters & decorate the clay hearts with beads.

Photo by Danielle Falk

6. Creative small world play for kids from Danielle of Little Ginger Studio

Your child can explore whatever their current interest is by creating their own figures for a small world or diorama. This is a fun open-ended clay activity for kids.

Making Lace Hearts in Clay
Photo by Jean Van't Hul

7. Experiment with textures in clay

Use doilies or lace to create unique textures in clay. Then cut into hearts or other shapes to use as ornaments or magnets.

Clay Coral Reef
Photo by Catalina Gutierrez

8. Create a clay coral reef from Catalina of Redviolet Studio

Use air dry clay and clay tools to create a 3D, textured coral reef. You can even use glow in the dark paint so that it really shines!

Photo by Buggy & Buddy

9. Dyed pasta mosaic in clay by Buggy & Buddy

These colorful flower mosaics are the perfect projects for spring!

Painted mosaic pinch pots by Handmade Charlotte
Photo by Handmade Charlotte

10. Painted mosaic pinch pots by Handmade Charlotte

These easy painted pinch pots are great for kids to put their little treasures in.

Mosaic air dry clay bowls for kids
Photo by Benares Angeley

11. Mosaic Clay Pinch Pots from Benares of Children's Art Lab

Dig into the recycling bin for materials to upcycle and create some amazing mosaic art for kids.

Photo by Danielle Falk

12. Create A Fairy House from Danielle of Little Ginger Studio

Learn how to make a fairy house using air dry clay, beans, & found nature items. Kids love creating these little houses & they encourage hours of imaginative play.

Child painting clay beads and finished nature mobile
Photo by Abbey Donald

13. Make a Nature Mobile for Kids with Abbey of Wild Wattle Folk

Go for a nature walk and gather natural materials to use for this beautiful nature mobile. Painted air dry clay beads add the finishing touch!

Photo by Danielle Falk

14. Create Colorful Clay Relief Tilesfrom Danielle of Little Ginger Studio

Create gorgeous decorative tiles with air drying clay and a surprising method for adding color. This is a fool-proof project for novice potters.

Clay Coil Hearts – clay projects for kids
Photo by Danielle Falk

15. Clay Coil Hearts from Danielle of Little Ginger Studio

These clay coil hearts are super easy to make and suitable for all ages from 4 years and up. I've made them with little kids and adults and they never fail!

More Clay Projects for Kids

  • Clay & Playdough Play for Kids
  • Why We Love this Kids Pottery Wheel
  • How to Make Starry Night Scene by Painting with Clay
  • The Artful Parent Clay & Playdough page
  • Use World Colors modeling clay to make clay faces
  • Fun Playdough Activities for Kids with Ideas to Play & Learn

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15 Amazing Clay Projects for Kids


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